Jolt upright in bed, screaming. Fear clutches my heart, making my spine
snap straight even as it drenches me in sweat. All my synapses tingle with
adrenaline as I blink into the inky darkness of the room.
The nightmare was the same as always.
I was in the room with Wrecker. He was raping me while Griller and
Boulder awaited their turns.
I scramble to switch the bedside lamp on and the room floods with light.
Fuck, I can’t keep doing this.
Shaking, I climb out of bed and move to the adjoining bathroom. I run
the tap, ignoring the mirror hanging over the sink, not wanting to see my
face. I don’t want to see the tiredness or the broken pieces in my eyes.
I splash water on my face, before I lean against the ceramic. My pulse is.....