The Joan Wilder Effect
All expensive tech. Beneath Marlie’s deft hand, Angelina Avenger’s eyes blazed…
Exposing a massive government cover-up when her front doorbell chimed:
Mission: Impossible.
Engrossed in the comic book she was illustrating, the sound didn’t click
in her brain. She sat tailor-style at her white drawing board, black charcoal
pencil in hand, surrounded by a bank of computers, all expensive tech.
Beneath Marlie’s deft hand, Angelina Avenger’s eyes blazed, her guns
drawn as she confronted a top-ranking CIA agent about his part in a global
oil conspiracy.
She hollowed Angelina’s cheekbones, honing her haunting beauty and
inner toughness. Next, the eraser arched her heroine’s auburn eyebrows.